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Pamela Ocaņa & Yoga for the Living Arts

Pamela Pamela Ocaņa is a Certified Yoga Teacher with a personal practice spanning over 20 years. In 1983, she began her studies in the Dominican Republic; later on advanced her training in Spain; and today continues to expand her knowledge through courses offered by the Yoga Alliance registered centers.

Since an early age, Pamela focused on Eastern studies, partly as a result from growing up in Japan, immersed in the stillness of Zen gardens, tea ceremonies, and Ikebana classes. Further on she graduated from Rollins College, Winter Park, with a B.A. degree in Psychology (summa cum laude); a Master's degree in Liberal Studies; and has taught Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy classes and Meditation.

"I believe in our human potential for love and growth; our ability to restore and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health through the development of wholesome disciplines. Independently of people's age, range of motion, or religious belief, they can create their own beneficial Hatha Yoga practice. Through mindful breathing, the poses gently work in integrating body and mind, so that increasing flexibility, strength, well-being, and awareness follow. Among fitness programs, Yoga offers the lowest rate of injuries as it is a discipline where - paradoxically - "less is more". Even a few minutes of daily practice accumulate and bring forth improved general conditions, manifesting in due time grace and equanimity. With today's restless pace, Yoga comes to us as a priceless gift, granting a moment to pause, here and now, to enjoy the sweet, revitalizing home within ourselves."

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